Gosh time has been flying by! Leah turned 18 months yesterday and she is growing leaps and bounds! I am astonished by her vocabulary and the way she looks at things to figure it out! She says please (peez) to almost anything she wants. She stared about a month ago putting two words together momma peez, no down, she has said bu bye for a long time,and bubba no. Its just amazing how "typical" she is.
She also loves eating! Things like spinach and artichoke dip, grilled salmon, spinach fettuccine alfredo, zucchini, corn and carrots she is going to be/is high maintenance! She does not like hamburgers, breaded chicken, fruit unless its prunes, not to thrilled with any breakfast things either.
She is sassy, really sassy. We have definitely hit the terrible two's early! We can not go anywhere for too long and forget restaurants it's take out for us! She is so busy and such a monkey. Just the other day I turn around from putting dishes in the dishwasher and there's Leah straddling the baby gate, I stood there in totally shock not wanting her to freak out and fall! She has a very short fuse and wants it her way or else!
She is a lover though too! Still to this day every morning she kisses Jonathan and now says "wuv you"! She is always trying to help him sometimes to much. She gives the best hugs and once in awhile she gives the nicest, wettest kisses!
She sleeps like a dream! To bed at 8pm and up between 7 and 8. She also takes some great naps.
We go for her 18 month well baby check up next week and even though she is another skinny mini she is totally healthy, full of life and laughter. I wouldn't want anything any other way!!!
My name is Jenna and I came across your site. Ur kids are are great. Jonathan is an amazing, special and precious gift. He is a courageous, strong, and determined fighter. he is a Brave Warrior, Smilen Champ and an Inspirational Hero.
I was born with a rare life threatening disease.
Hi Jonathan
My name is Jenna and I came across your site. You and your sister, are handsome, great and beautiful kids. U are both Precious and Special Gifts.
Jonathan is a courageous, strong and determined fighter. He is a Brave Warrrior, Smilen Champ and an Inspirational Hero.
I was born with a rare life threatening disease.
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