Has it really been a year? The time did go by pretty fast! Just in case you have no idea what I'm talking about its been one year since Jonathan came home from the NICU. Wow things have definitely changed in this past year (to say the least). When Jonathan came home I thought I was super mom there was nothing that could try my nerves, there was going to be no such thing as being sleep deprived,I knew everything about my baby there was nothing that was going to surprise me, and this parent had the whole parenting thing down I mean I did spend everyday of the 21 weeks he was in the NI sometimes I thought I was the nurse boy was I WRONG!!!
When Jonathan came home on April 17 2008 I will admit it was easy he was eating on schedule sleeping a full 10 to 12 hours at night I had no complaints. Then in June we started him on cereal and stage one baby food, sure it got messy but he was eating. Then starting in July/August he started crying not just crying but an all out cry for 20 hours a day sleeping for an hour here and an hour there. It was o.k however he was probably going through a stage and surely by the end of the week he'll be back to his normal happy self! Wrong again! After about 3 weeks of this I was completely sleep deprived, I had no idea what to do and sometimes we both cryed!This non stop crying went on until the end of nov. then finally our ped suggested we go to a pm&r doctor and she prescribed the most beautiful drug in the world..baclofen. Once Jonathan got his first dose there in front of us was a happy, cheerful babbling little guy! Oh I will not miss those days of crying! Then there was his feeding, feeding uggg! We went a slight step back and had to get Jonathan an NG tube to feed him because he was eating but not enough to gain weight, he had his for about 3 months and then we did the unthinkable or at least that's what I thought at the time, we had Jonathan get the G tube surgery. Today I can say it is a relief not to worry anymore about getting every drop of butter in him or every last bottle down his NG because now I stop to think how miserable that must have felt like! The biggest news I can report is Jonathan is no longer losing weight but is a chunky monkey at 18 1/2 pounds and 30 inches long! He is doing swell in therapy actually we got a stander which I need to take pics of, he did not like it at all we have to really work on getting him to stand in it then once he's not scared he's o.k and he loves us to pull him around te house. Next week p.t is bring over a pony walker because this boy WANTS to walk so this should help him. His head control is coming around I am sure by this fall he will have it under more control. We start therapeutic riding in May and I hope that he likes it, we have been putting him on our 105 pound dog to ride around and he smiles up a storm its cute to see! He also has more hair just on the top, actually just enough for daddy to mohawk it! And last but not least he has his first tooth it is really white and big its cute to see his smile with the one big tooth. His top gums are really swollen so I'm thinking those are coming soon plus the whining crying don't let me down I'm going die if you leave me cry and you feel so bad so you end up carring him EVERYWHERE(grandpa)! Miraculously he stops crying and he feels all better:) Enjoy the pics
Congratulations on the 1st year home! Not exactly as expected but still wonderful to have an awesome little boy and to be able to be his mommy. I can't wait to see what our two kiddos will be able to do! We both have great therapists and doctors and both of our kids have a lot of stubborness and determination (as do us mommies!).
Congratulations on a great anniversary day!
Where does the time go? He's such a doll and getting to be such a big boy.
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