Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Look at my boy, I am so proud!

Ok so I said we were getting a kid walker, well the p.t thought lets try the pony walker and see what happens. I had tears, he was so happy when grandpa put him in it. Jonathan has not really attempted to walk but look at him his head is held high just a rest behind his head he has it up without my help, he was standing!!! Now don't get me wrong he got very tired after about 10 minutes and his head did plop down but 10 minutes is huge, humungous, ginormous o.k you get the point, I am just so amazed at my little man!


The Buckley Family said...

He looks GREAT in the Pony!! It's so wonderful to see them upright, knowing that they're learning that much more about the world!

23 weekers said...

Oh, I love it. I've asked several times to get one for Carver and for some reason my PT doesn't like the Pony Gait Trainer. Everytime I see one, I want one. Does it give him much trunk support? I've looked at a Rifton gait trainer and it gives trunk support, but no neck/head support.
