Leahs first attempt of egg yolks!
Leah is growing just so fast its unbelievable! She masters a new milestone it seems each week!
She now has her two bottom teeth and her two top teeth are half way through, our nights have been long her poor little teeth hurt! She is still getting my milk however I have had to supplement with 4 to 5ozs of formula a day to keep up! She eats some finger foods egg yolks were a hit however she got a little rash on her back so will will try again later. She still loves all vegetables I steamed some broccoli and she loved it, still not a fan of fruit, juice not even melon the girl loves veggies. She however did eat chicken and turkey, chicken being her favorite esp. if its mixed with some baby carrots. I got this cookbook and absolutely love it its called First Meals by Annabel Karmel its a really awesome book that is not only for babies but toddlers too heck there are meals I want to try like enchiladas with turkey and tomato sauce, mmm!
She is crawling everywhere, she just started going on her knees and she rocks and then falls back on her tummy and inch worms everywhere its only a matter of time she has her belly off the floor and really cruising! She walks with our help of holding her hands but isn't showing int rest of pulling herself up yet, I know she is only 8 months old! She continues to say momma and seems like she is starting to say dada, she LOVES to sing. I start singing the abc song and she sings right along in her own babble of course.
Leah singing!
She "talks" to Jonathan and loves playing with him, and Jonathan just eats it up he gets frustrated some times and will use his legs to completely turn himself the other way when he doesn't want to play anymore because Leah is usually getting a little rough which makes Leah very upset that he doesn't want to play!
She is still a little peanut weighing in at 15 1/2 lbs but is 27 inches long so another long and skinny kiddo! I love this girl she keeps me on my toes and who ever told me it was going to be easier I say HA to you its not easier she is a handful but I will take it everyday of the week!
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