These are just some random photos from the last couple weeks. He has been very spoiled when it comes to naps, Jonathan takes a great two hour nap but it has to be on me (my belly) which is starting to be very difficult, but he has managed o.k while his uncle Matt holds him! I think I might want to break this before baby Leah comes!
Another picture of him being spoiled he can't stand it when we go through drive thru, I think a lot has to do with he wants to eat too however this is getting better he is chewing pretty good cause he was starting to get sick of everything being mushy,(he is growing up) he ate a little pita bread and yea he does get a little nervous but we sing him "chew it, chew it, chew it" while showing him our mouths chewing and usually he does just fine. So the picture of my dad holding him outside his carseat while we go through drive thru (unbelievable)!
SWIMMING! I need to say no more this child of fine is a fish. Grandma and grandpa have been taking him in our pool almost everyday, he loves it.
Then we went over Justins parents and put him in the lake with his floaty and he loved it he almost fell asleep in his float because of the waves rocking him! One of the pics is in his carseat with his swimsuit on and he doesn't look to happy but once he knew he was going swim, swim, swimming he was a happy camper!
Well my parents leave with Jonathan this Wednesday for a week to Orlando, to say I am going miss him is an understatement. I am a little nervous he has spent the night with g&g before for a night but this time a week guess I be doing lots of phone calls! I already have plans of cleaning Jonathan's room putting summer clothes away going shopping to get fall and winter clothes ready and possible buying a big boy bed since we will use the crib for Leah. I still haven't bought a single girl outfit I am still nervous, I think I'll wait for another 5 weeks then I'll be 30 weeks along! I can't believe summer is coming to an end but its exciting because I am still pregnant, thank you Lord and its getting closer to the due date!!!!!
He looks great! SO long!!! Our song for Annabel is "chew, chew, like a choo-choo train, chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga, chew, chew!! AND the train goes rolling, rolling down the tracks singing chugga, chugga, chugga, choo-choo!!" How funny what we come up with! :)
Janathon is such a cutie pie! Thank you for the great visit and the cute tactile toys. I realy enjoyed meeting all of you. The visit was too short. I hope we can get together again. If you're ever in Kansas, you're welcome at our home.
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