I took Leah to her 4 month well baby visit last week. Leah is doing everything "perfect" she is right on with her peers even though she was 5 weeks early and get this she is probably about a month ahead of her peers in regards to her head control, she does stomach crunches that are envied! She is sitting very well in her bumbo seat I should take pictures of that. She is out of her 3 month clothes and into 3-6 months she has such chunky thighs I love em!!
Right now her stats are
12 lbs 2 oz
23 3/4 inches
39.7 cm head cir.
she is growing great the only thing is she prefers to look to the right so we have to do some stretching to correct that. She rolled from front to back in the dr. office for the first time that was super cool! She babbles and coos so much I think she might like to talk like her mommy:-) Jonathan still loves to "hold" Leah, he can be having a bad day and all I have to say is "can u help mommy and hold Leah?" I get a super huge smile and when I put her next to him he "talks" to her, it would melt any moms heart!
I have to admit though Leah isn't to fond of any one holding her except mommy but she is now letting daddy hold her to but at night she only wants to snuggle with me, I secretly LOVE it but don't let Justin know, hehe
Oh my goodness, seriously, that huge smile holding her? I LOVE it!! It was great seeing you guys!!
Oh, how cute. He really looks like he's trying to hold her.
Gregory is Shanon btw - somehow I'm logged in under my Son's name???
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