Friday, January 18, 2008

4lbs hip hip hooray

January 17
Our boy is getting big, he is now 4 lbs! He is getting 32cc's of milk every 3 hours. he is tolerating it well. He did great through out the night he did however get bagged at 1030am but is now doing great. He seems to be getting the concept of breathing on his own, he doesnt look tired he actually looks really comfortable. He is amazing not only because he is my son but as the nurses say he is almost 34 weeks, he is not suppose to be outside of my womb but for the little guy he is he is always looking around, he can tell voices and he moves his head in the direction of a voice he really tries to focus. The nurses are always telling him to go to sleep cause he is so active he likes to take his cpap out of his nose he is a stinker but I think its cute! well as of 530am he is still doing good!

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