Friday, December 14, 2007

Day of surgery

Jonathan is doing good this morning. Surgery was at 8:30 but the surgical team moved it to 940am I got to kiss Jonathan on the head before they took him right around the corner for surgery, I think he may have gotten some of my tears on his head. The surgeon Dr. Chan said he will be out in about an hour to tell us how it went. Justin, grandma and grandpa Shigley, uncle Matt, grandpa Vollbach and I went to the family waiting area, I was a nervous wreck, my sweet baby boy please God take care of him. Well Dr. Chan came out after 53 mins. and everything went better than a lot of babies, he said Jonathan was strong and tolerated it well. We haven't seen the cut since its covered but they did not cut in the front its about 2 inches on his left side. WE all went back to his room and he was resting, which he will do the next two days because of all the medication and anesthesia, he looks peaceful! Everyone went home, I am staying the night at the hospital and its 11pm Jonathan seems to be waking up from the anestesia he had to be put on dopamine for his blood pressure because his bp was lowering and his urine output is slim to none nothing to be worried about the doc said he could be on this medication for a day or so. He is not in pain , he is on a constant drip of pain medication (fentanyl). His doctor said she is very pleased he is actually doing better than she thought he would do. 4am he is still doing good his urine output at 415am is 32cc which is a lot and his bp is going back up to his norm. 8am Jonathan is off the dopamine already and he is maintaining his bp and urine output on his own, he is so strong and God is so great!

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